Monday, September 17, 2012

Wake County Family Court


Childhood is very precious, very fragile, and if a childhood is traumatic this will likely cause issues throughout adulthood. Family Court was created to work in the best interest of children, however over the past two decades it has became a great way for some Lawyers and Judges to gain notoriety and have the opportunity to become wealthy. Family court has strayed away from its original objectives and has became corrupt and unethical, thus hurting the children that are placed at the discretion of Judges like Anna E. Worley. If you are reading this blog then more than likely you are or have been scheduled on her calender or have known someone that has been going through her courtroom. This Blog was created to inform you all of some of the injustices that have occurred within her courtroom as well as some networking for the parents. 
If you have or are going through her courts and experienced injustice in regards to whats best for your children, then you are one of the following three parents
  •  A parent that has accepted Anna E. Worleys judgement and has moved on 
  •  A parent that has accepted Anna E. Worleys judgement and feels the fight against Family Court is unfeasible.
  • A parent that is unwilling to accept Anna's Worleys order and willing to devout their entire life to make sure that the best interest of their child be upheld under any circumstance necessary. A parent that is unafraid and hoping for change for other children as well as your own (Reaching out to the media, calling radio stations, protesting in front of the court house, etc.).
This blog is for parents that fit under the third bullet
Join me and many others as we fight to bring this fight to National Media Outlets. When reform happens it happens only because of people who are passionate as well radical. If you will not fight for your children then you will not fight for anything. There is no other person in this world that I am more passionate about than my child and I hope to meet many other parents that feel the same.

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